Green Foundation
Jana Tóthová
PM & FM, Communication and Awareness Specialist – Communication
Section @ ACC04P01
project management, communication
Mária Šibíková
Senior specialist in monitoring wetlands and their ecosystems, including CO2
@ ACC04P01
botany, biodiversity, wetlands
Roman Macháň
Agriculture and Environment Specialist @ ACC04P01
soil, biodiversity
Kristína Botlóová
Specialist in communication and raising awareness – technical part (social
networks, web) @ ACC04P01
communication, social networks and the web

Denisa Slabejová
Junior Biodiversity and Wetland Restoration Specialist @ ACC04P01
biodiversity, wetlands
Mgr. Miriam Miláčková, PhD.
Executive director of BROZ
Project Position: Biodiversity and Wetland Revitalization Specialist, Wetland
and Wetland Habitat Monitoring Specialist, including Ecosystem Services and CO2
Monitoring @ ACC04P01
Ing. Tomáš Schreiber
Project Position: Biodiversity and Awareness Specialist @ ACC04P01
Mgr. Sabína Ondirková
Project position: project management and administration @ ACC04P01
Mgr. Stanislav Kušnier
Project position: expert consultant for hydrogeological study @ ACC04P01
RNDr. Tomáš Kušík, PhD.
President BROZ
Position on the project: expert consultant for revitalization activities @
Camilla Nass
Senior researcher – Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Science Communicator – communication with the public. website development, social networks, storymapping @ ACC04P01
Duncan Halley
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Science
Berit Kohler
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Science
Anne Mehlhoop
Researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, area of ecological restoration @ ACC04P01
Markus Fjellstad Israelsen
Senior technician – Norwegian Institute for Nature Research – research- various ecological projects- birds and mammals @ ACC04P01