Project Outputs

In this section you will find the project outputs that could be communicated electronically.

Clearing of non-native and invasive species and planting of 650 native tree and shrub species

In the spring of 2024, after clearing the project sites of non-native and invasive species, we planted 650 trees and shrubs characteristic of the project area. The species of trees and their locations were consulted with the SOP of the Záhorie Protected Landscape Area

A nature trail friendly for children with autism spectrum disorders

In October 2023, together with 20 volunteers, we installed signs on the nature trail about the wetlands in Záhorie and their importance. Specialists from the ANDREAS Autism Centre and their young clients participated in the creation of the information boards (thank you…). The nature trail is friendly for a part of children with autism spectrum disorders and a large part of dyslexic and dyslexic children. We recommend visiting the site in months without significant rainfall, when the season is drier, due to the waterlogged soil of the wetlands. The trail can be found here.

Conversion of an intensively used but waterlogged field into an alluvial meadow

In the summer of 2023, we converted a waterlogged, intensively farmed field into an alluvial meadow, which has become a kind of „pumping station“ for migratory birds. Migratory birds, which travel between their wintering grounds in the south and their breeding grounds in the north of Europe, connect ecosystems, landscapes and people through their long journeys. They spread seeds, pollinate and fertilise – migratory birds play many roles. The wetlands of the Morava River are a particularly important corridor for migratory birds as they represent the only north-south gap in central Europe between the Carpathians and the Alps. Migration of many species is therefore concentrated through and along this corridor. The species-rich wetlands and meadows in the floodplain of the Morava River are an important source of food and refuge for migrants and also a breeding ground for rare and endangered bird species. Therefore, the restoration of key habitats for migratory birds is crucial. Moreover, wetland restoration has a much greater impact on climate and biodiversity than any other type of nature. Moreover, wetlands are by far the best carbon sinks, unrivalled even by rainforests.
Have a deeper dive into the story map of the agricultural field transformation and its significance for bird migration here.

© Youtube video „Premena poľa na aluviálnu lúku 2023“ – Camilla Naes, NINA – Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
© Youtube video „Premena poľa na aluviálnu lúku 2024“ – BROZ

Removal of part of the sediments from the dead arm of the Morava River

In spring 2024, we partially cleared the dead arm of the Morava River of sediments without any connection to its flow, thus partially stabilizing the local wetland ecosystems.

Scientific and information outputs

Scientific and information outputs

Wetlands for life and prosperity

The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Green Foundation concluded a Project Agreement for the implementation of the project „ACC04P01 Wetlands for life and prosperity: Restoration of the Ramsar site in the alluvium of the Morava River“ within the program „Mitigation and adaptation to climate change“ (SK-Climate) co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 and the state budget of the Slovak Republic with a grant in the amount of EUR 624,969.00. The project contract is effective from February 22, 2022.

Green Foundation is the leader of the consortium implementing the project in question. Other members of the consortium are the Bratislava Regional Conservation Association – BROZ and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research.

The main goal of the project is to restore at least 210,000 m² of degraded wetlands belonging to the Ramsar area of ​​the Morava River in the cadastral territory of Malé Leváre by 04/2024.

The project is implemented in the period 2/2022 – 4/2024.

The project contract is published in the Central Register of Contracts: 249/2021/7.7 | Central Register of Contracts (

What is the common vision for Levare wetlands?

The consortium team partnered with local landowners who decided to dedicate abandoned meadows and extensively used agricultural land to restore local wetland ecosystems. We want to believe that this positive precedent will support other landowners in the region to restore wetlands or switch to ecological and sustainable agriculture.

Our common vision is to create a place suitable for relaxation and education about the importance of local wetlands. A place with rich biodiversity, full of synergies with other projects and activities in the vicinity, with a positive impact on residents and tourists. When planning the educational trail, we also think about people
with autism spectrum disorders, for whom the sidewalk will be „friendly“.

Mandatory published contracts

Mandatory published contracts pursuant to Act no. 211/2000 Coll. and pursuant to Act no. 382/2011 amending Act no. 211 /2000 Coll.

Contract: Partnership agreement concluded between the Recipient Green Foundation, the foundation and Partner 1 Bratislava regional protection association, o. from. within the project ACC04P01 „Wetlands for life and prosperity: Restoration of the Ramsar site in the alluvium of the river Morava (English: Wetlands for life and well-being: Morava river alluvium ramsar site restoration)“ co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the state budget of the Slovak Republic.

Agreement: ACC04P01_Partner­skaDohoda.pdf

Contract: Partnership agreement concluded between the Recipient Green Foundation, the foundation and Partner 2 Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning – NINA within the project ACC04P01 „Wetlands for life and prosperity: Restoration of the Ramsar site in the alluvium of the Morava River (English: Wetlands for life and well-being: Morava river alluvium ramsar site restoration)“ co-financed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the Slovak state budget.

Agreement: ACC04P01_Partner­skaDohoda.pdf

Addendum no. 1 – Amendment GF vs NINA

Ackonwledgement of support

Norway Grants represent Norway's contri­bution to a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. Through the Norway Grants, Norway contributes to reducing economic and social disparities and to strengthening mutual relations with beneficiary countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea Region. Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement. Together with other donors, Norway has provided EUR 3.3 billion through grant schemes between 1994 and 2014. Norwegian grants are funded exclusively by Norway and are available in countries that joined the EU after 2003. For the period 2014–2021, Norwegian grants amount to EUR 1.25 billion. The priorities for this period are: #1 Innovation, research, education and competitiveness #2 Social inclusion, youth employment and poverty eradication #3 Environment, energy, climate change and low carbon economy #4 Culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights #5 Justice and home affairs.

All projects are co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 15%.

Total eligible expenditure of the project ACC04P01 Wetlands for Life and Prosperity: Restoration of a Ramsar Site in the Morava River Alluvium: EUR 694 928

Project grant: EUR 624 969

  • contribution from Norway Grants (85% of the grant): EUR 531 223,65
  • contribution from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic, SK-Climate Program (15% of the grant): EUR 93 745,35

Total financial co-financing of the Project: EUR 35 959
Total non-financial co-financing of the Project: EUR 34 000

The main objective of the project ACC04P01 Wetlands for Life and Prosperity: Restoration of the Ramsar Site in the Morava River Alluvium is to restore at least 210,000 m2 of degraded wetlands belonging to the Ramsar Site of the Morava River in the cadastral area of the municipality of Malé Leváre by 04/2024.

The first sub-objective is the restoration of the degraded ecosystem of the dead arm without interference in the watercourse with an area of at least 50,000 m2.

The second sub-objective is the restoration of agriculturally degraded wetlands to species-rich alluvial meadows with a minimum area of 50,000 m2 and the restoration of degraded and abandoned meadows up to 40,000 m2 and the implementation of measures to stabilise wetland ecosystems on a further 70,000 m2.

The third sub-objective is the construction of a 3 km long nature trail friendly to people with autism spectrum disorders and the implementation of information events to raise awareness of the local wetlands that are the subject of the project.

If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the Norway Grants in Slovakia, visit

Total number of visits from 06/2022: